Israel, Zionism and the Media

Tag: Israel (Page 30 of 34)

Durban II – Ahmadinejad’s Nuremberg Rally

On April 20th, in Geneva, the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance will begin in Geneva. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran was invited and will attend.

This is the long-awaited follow up to the first conference in Durban, South Africa, in 2001 which turned into an anti-Israel hate-fest.

The conference was effectively hijacked by the anti-Israel lobby and its original aims completely lost in a torrent of anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic rhetoric and resolutions. Israel and the United States withdrew in disgust.

The draft documents, (which were eventually rewritten but not adopted by all parties – you can guess which ones adopted the originals), expressed “deep concern” at the “increase of racist practices of Zionism and anti-Semitism”. It thus attempted a sleight of hand to discriminate between this particular form of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.  The draft continued to describe  “movements based on racism and discriminatory ideas, in particular the Zionist movement, which is based on racial superiority”.

Notice the “in particular” and the lies about “racism” and “racial superiority”. Firstly, which “race” is doing the racism against which other race? Jews are not a race, unless you are a supporter of Hitler’s views on this matter. Israel has the most racially diverse population in the Middle East by a very long way.

“Racial superiority”? We have already debunked the “Jews as a race” canard, so this is covert language for Jews being the “Chosen People” which the anti-Israel camp interpret as “racial superiority” and which leads to the “International Jewish Conspiracy”. It also alludes to the  “Right of Return”  which is wilfully misinterpreted by this bunch of hypocrites as giving preference to Jews right to citizenship and not allowing Palestinians a right to return to their pre-1948 homes. You can characterise this as discriminatory, but “racial superiority?” 

I don’t propose to go in to the reasons and arguments about the “Right of Return” of Jews and Palestinians because I can refer you to this article.

If you read the final Declaration from Durban I it is not difficult to see that the countries now baying for Israel’s blood would fail to live up to almost every paragraph of the Declaration’s stated aims. Durban II is hypocrisy made manifest, the apotheosis of the inverted moral order spreading its vicious and malicious hatred throughout the world.

In Geneva, the draft resolutions try to reintroduce the Israel- and Jew-bashing rhetoric of the first conference and to press for a resolution against “defamation” of religion which seeks to silence any criticism of Islam. Once again Israel has been singled out among all nations. Despite strenuous efforts to have the draft resolutions amended, which has been successful to a limited extent, as things stand, the draft is so clearly a document not against racism or xenophobia but actually its opposite: a slur against the Jewish people and Israel which is itself a form of the very xenophobia the Conference is supposed to be designed to condemn and an attempt, by seeking to limit freedom of speech,  to suppress criticism of the religious intolerance and bigotry of those states drafting the anti-Israel lies.

President Ahmadinejad’s presence itself indicates that he is there to orchestrate his own Nuremberg rally. As Arutz Sheva reports:

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor slammed Ahmadinejad as “the representative of a regime which consistently breaches human rights, which assassinates opponents and persecutes minority groups, which exports hatreds and terrorism throughout the Middle East.”

They might also add that he is a Holocaust denier and contemplates the destruction of Israel as a desirable goal.

Canada, Israel, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Australia and now, at last, the United States have all refused to take part in this obscene parody of a Conference. Some Jewish groups intend to go to have their voices heard and to demonstrate. Notably, the UK is still sending a delegation.
My view now is that the Conference should be boycotted. Boycott the boycotters. Deny them any legitimacy.

See the BBC which is quite balanced for a change (having improved on its earlier wishy-washy attempt).

Meanwhile the UN sits on its hands and watches. So much for its founding principals.

I have to pass on to you the words of Anna Bayevsky. I do not apologise for quoting in full. I do not have a web link. (April 20th is Hitler’s birthday – he’d be so proud of the neo-Nazis who have hijacked this Conference. On that day The March of The Living will once again take place at Auschwitz-Birkenau when the Jewish Youth of the world commemorate the Holocaust. The next day is Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Memorial Day)


April 17, 2009
United Nations, Palais des Nations, GENEVA, Switzerland

The eyes of millions of victims of racism, xenophobia and intolerance are upon YOU, the representatives of states and the United Nations. And instead of hope you have given them despair. Instead of truth you have handed them diplomatic double-talk. Instead of combating antisemitism you have handed them a reason for Jews to fear UN-driven hatemongering on a global scale.

The Durban conference – allegedly dedicated to combating racism, antisemitism and other forms of intolerance – will open April 20th on the anniversary of the birth of Adolf Hitler without agreement on even so much as remembering the Holocaust and the war against the Jews. Your draft words on the Holocaust – the very foundation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – have been narrowed to the barest mention from previous versions. And if the minor reference survives at all – it will be a testament to your interest in Jews that died 60 years ago, while tolerating and encouraging the murder of Jews in the here and now.

Furthermore, the draft before you demonizes the Jewish state of Israel and then has the audacity to pretend to care about antisemitism in a single word buried among 17 pages. Antisemitism means discrimination against the Jewish people. Since it is evident that almost none of you have the courage to say it, the face of modern antisemitism IS the UN – your – discrimination against Israel, the embodiment of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination.

Over and over again we have heard a massive misinformation campaign about the content of these proceedings and the draft before you. We have heard the tale that this draft does not single out Israel, that the hate has been removed, that the fault of the antisemitism at Durban I was that of NGOs while states and the UN were blameless.

Perhaps you think that journalists and victims will not bother to read for themselves the Durban Declaration adopted by some governments. There is only one state mentioned in it – Israel. There is only one state associated with racist practices in it – Israel. And yet the very first thing that this draft before you does is to reaffirm that abomination, abomination for Jews and Arabs living in Israel’s free and democratic society, and for all the victims of racism ignored therein. Lawyers call it incorporation by reference when they hope nobody reads the small print. The propaganda stops here. We have read it. We understand the game. And we decry the ugly effort to repeat the Durban agenda to isolate and defeat Israel politically, as every effort to do so militarily for decades has failed.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Chair of this Preparatory Committee also told us this week that the Durban Declaration in all its aspects is a consensus text. Perhaps they are unfamiliar with the Canadian reservations made in Durban in 2001 which state categorically that the Middle East language was outside the conference’s jurisdiction and not agreed. Perhaps they failed to notice that one of the world’s greatest democracies, the United States, voted with its feet and walked out of the Durban I hatefest? The Durban Declaration has never represented a global consensus among free and democratic nations. When the head of the Islamic conference treats Durban as a bible, in their words, it is more accurately a defamation of religions.

This week you decided which states ought to serve in a leadership role at next week’s conference. Among them are some of the world’s leading practitioners of racism, not those interested in ending it. You have also decided to hand a global megaphone to the President of a state which advocates genocide and denies the Holocaust.

So in a state of shock and dismay we address ourselves not to the human rights abusers that glorify the Durban Declaration or its next incarnation, but to democracies — and we ask: Will Germany sit on Hitler’s birthday and listen to the speech of an advocate of genocide against the Jewish people and grant legitimacy to the forum which tolerates his presence? What about the United Kingdom, the birthplace of the Magna Carta? Or France that helped to ship last generation’s Jews to crematoriums?

You could have fought racism. You chose instead to fight Jews. You could have promoted the universal standards against racism already in existence. You chose instead to diminish their importance in the name of alleged cultural preferences. You could have protected freedom of expression. You chose instead to undermine it by twisted concepts of incitement. You could have brought victims of racism together in a common cause. You chose instead to pit victims against each other in an ugly struggle for meagre recognition. For those democracies that remain under these circumstances you are ultimately responsible for what can only be called an appalling disservice to real victims of racism, xenophobia and related intolerance around the world.

Palestinian genocide exposed

Well that grabbed your attention and may have brought you to this page under a false pretence.

I’m sorry.

The world, and especially the Arab and Muslim world, appears top believe, or at least promulgates the belief, that Israel is intent on the genocide of the Palestinian people. If it is, it is going about it an a very strange way.

For example, has an interesting, and may I say, heart-warming, article on a positive aspect of Israeli-Palestinian relations that you won’t hear or read about on the BBC or in the annals of Israel’s detractors.

The article, written in January 2009, describes how Israel “routinely” (which I infer means very frequently) admits patients from the Palestinian Authority into Israel hospitals AND Israel pays for the treatment.

Now, I also reported recently how  the PA Health Minister has closed the door on the PA funding the transfer of patients to Israeli hospitals since Operation Cast Lead purely for political purposes. This decision will lead to the unnecessary deaths of Palestinians because the PA, Israel’s ‘peace partner’ places political gestures above the health of its own people.

But the Israelity story predates this and deals with cases where ISRAEL pays, not the PA.

This is not emergency assistance. Israel is supplying hospitals in Ramallah and Bethlehem (both inside the PA administered territory) with software developed in Israel called i-Rox. But most extraordinary is the fact that the software was developed in Bnei Barak, an ultra-orthodox town near Tel Aviv, by ultra-orthodox Jews, the very people who are often believed to be most extreme in their views on Palestinians and Palestinian self-determination. The company is deliberately and purposefully adding functionality to the software  so that the Israeli and PA Health Ministries can share data for mutual benefit.

If you are sceptical, the Israelity article cites a World Health Organization PDF document (reporting for 2006-7) which states that 60,000 Palestinians from the PA authority controlled area were treated in Israel in that year and 20,000 actually hospitalised. It also mentions 5,000 Gazans receiving similar treatment of which 2,000 were hospitalised. The Figure includes 2,500 children being treated for long-term illnesses such as cancer.

The article concludes:

As far as Israel providing services to PA hospitals, “Public health laboratories at the Israel Ministry of Health continue to regularly provide assistance to the Palestinian Health Authority in the way of laboratory tests for poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, influenza and other viral diseases,” the report says. Israel – via the health funds and the Health Ministry – continued those tests throughout the year, “in spite of the fact that the Palestinian Authority delays or halts payments.”

Does this sound like genocide?

Does this sound like Israel targeting children? which is the mantra of the Hamas and many other detractors of Israel and Zionism around the world.

You can read the whole article here.

BBC’s third attempt at a ‘truthful’ headline

Continuing the saga of the BBC’s ever-shifting headline on the story of an Israeli Arab who drove at three policeman protecting those demolishing the home of Hussam Dwayat (the July 2008 bulldozer attacker who killed three and injured 40 and was shot dead) – see my previous posts here and here .

The driver was shot dead by the police.

Headline No 1. Palestinian killed in demolition (no he was not!)

Headline No 2. Police kill Palestinian motorist (whilst attempting a 3-point turn, no doubt)

And now, No 3. Palestinian ‘attacker’ shot dead 

Note the quote marks. This warns us that someone who drives directly at and injures three policeman may not be an attacker but is so characterised by Israelis. This is because he only “injur(ed) them lightly”.

As I previously wrote, given the history of suicide attacks within Israel, how can the police take any chances with someone driving straight at them with a lethal weapon, namely a half-ton car. This is not Kensington High Street. But the BBC, in its attempt to be ‘fair’ describes terrorists as ‘militants’ and people driving directly at security forces as ‘attackers’.

They have no such scruples when they use terms such as ‘occupation’ (without quotation marks), of course.

And let us not forget that by the time this latest and considerably more accurate headline reaches the BBC’s pages, it has already ceased to be current news and is confined to the archive. It’s the earlier headlines that have already made their nasty little innuendos and have now conveniently disappeared to cover the BBC’s previous ‘bias’.

BBC correct headline – and still avoid the truth

Following my previous post and complaint to the BBC ( I am sure they had several) they changed the headline to – wait for it – “Police kill Palestinian motorist”.

I almost wet myself. If it wasn’t so tragic it would be funny. Of course they have to really rub our noses into Israeli disproportion:

A police spokesman said officers shot the man after his car hit three guards, injuring them lightly.

Police responded by firing more than 20 bullets into the windshield

They completely ignore the fact that the car or the man or both may have been booby-trapped and full of explosives. This is the problem with such reporting: people outside Israel just do not realise what police and the IDF have to contend with every day. Are they trigger happy? No. But why should they take any chances when history has shown them that a moment’s hesitation could cost them their life. As in Gaza, so in Israel. It’s a tragedy, but one imposed by a series of ruthless, suicidal assaults. This could have been the next one. Do not US soldiers in Iraq do likewise? Did not UK soldiers in Basra and still in Helmand?

But for the BBC this is little short of murder. Either they don’t understand or they don’t wish to.

Two other attacks by Palestinians using bulldozers have been carried out since Hussam Dwayat’s death, though no Israelis were killed in these later incidents.

And so as with Hamas rockets, so with bulldozer attacks. If they kill no-one then it’s all right because they didn’t intend to kill anyone. Duh! BBC logic.

The bulldozers failed because of the vigilance of Israelis not because they were intended to cause a little mischief.

Peace or surrender?

King Abdullah of Jordan, on a visit to Bucharest, has said that Israel

“must decide whether they want to observe this opportunity and become integrated in the region or whether they want to remain a fortress … and keep the Middle East hostage in conflict”

as reported by Arutz Sheva. The opportunity he refers to is the Saudi Peace Plan/Ultimatum reiterated in Qatar last week in terms of “take it or leave it”.

The Saudi plan offers recognition of Israel from all Arab countries but in return Israel must withdraw from what are known as The Occupied Territories, there must be an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and (and here’s the killer punch), there must be a just solution to the “problem” of Palestinian refugees.

So in return for the dubious benefits of “recognition”, whatever that really means, Israel must return to the 1949 ceasefire lines and potentially allow into Israel hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Palestinians against whom it has been fighting an existential war since 1967. This influx will turn the Jewish State into something quite different. In no time, Jews would be a minority in their own country and there would be two Arab states, no doubt with the intention of confederating as Palestine and thus bringing about the end of Israel.

Security issues (massive), housing, health, the economy would all suffer to the detriment of Israelis. And where would these returnees go? Would they have the right, having kicked the Jews out of the West Bank, to start to kick them out of Ashkelon and Haifa?

In Qatar an ultimatum was issued. See my post “Israel must agree to its own destruction” – Arab League This is more of the same from a previously tacit source – namely king Abdullah.

It’s as if the enmity generated throughout the world by Operation Cast Lead, the move to a right wing government in Israel and the pleasant noises (for Arab ears) emanating from the new administration in Washington have emboldened the Arabs in the belief that the time is ripe to land a killer blow on the Israeli chin or maybe a kick somewhere lower down.

All this might be considered a first round negotiating position, but three significant players are completely ignored in this equation: Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

Also on Arutz Sheva this report Hamas: We Will Not Recognize Israel-Period

Hamas leader Ismael Haniya reasserted his faction’s principled refusal to recognize Israel, calling it “the Zionist entity” and claiming it to be an illegitimate state based on ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, according to the Palestine Times. He said that Hamas wouldn’t abandon its principles under pressure. “We will not cave in to pressure, we will not betray our people’s trust, we will not recognize the illegitimate Zionist entity. This has always been our stance, and it will never change.”

Haniya suggested that when it comes to recognizing Israel, the Palestinian Authority represented only itself and not the entire PA Arab population.

Let’s analyse this.  Israel is “an illegitimate state based on ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity”. So what is it this “principled” people want to do with Israel? 

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” 

“There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”


Hamas are a little hypocritical when it comes to ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, don’t you think? Just go to PalestinianMediaWatch ( to see the depraved depths of their hate-filled rhetoric, their “educational”materials, their blood-libels and then tell me who are the racists and Nazis in the Middle-East.

Hezbollah and Iran have a similar genocidal animus against Israel and the Jews. Fatah, Al-Aqsa Martyrs, Islamic Jihad are not exacty Israel or even Jew-friendly.

So let’s see what happens when the Saudi dream is realised. Israel’s borders will be open, the security wall dismantled and those whose professed aim is to kill all Jews and destroy Israel will have a free pass across its borders, along its coastline, in its airspace. Their agents and accomplices will move freely among Jewish Israelis.

So the small matter of the Right of Return for Palestinians is nothing less than a formula for the destruction of Israel and the removal of all rights to self-determination of Jews. So the other points in the formula a little moot. Of course, compensation for the hundreds of thousands of Jews expelled from Arab countries in 1948 are not part of the equation.

Do the Arab nations really expect this government of all governments to agree to a new Jewish Holocaust? 

Of course they don’t. But what they do want is to be seen as moderate, offering a “peace solution” which Israel will reject out of hand and they can write another chapter in the Book of Historical Revisionism to say “the Jews didn’t want peace. We had no choice but to continue the struggle. They bring it upon themselves.”

BBC’s misleading headline – again

On the BBC news site home there is a link which reads:
Palestinian killed in demolition

What?! My reaction was – “Oh no”, they’ve demolished a house with someone inside it and killed them.

But no. Nothing of the sort.

Israeli police have shot dead a Palestinian motorist in East Jerusalem who drove at them while they were carrying out a home demolition.

Ahh! So a potentially lethal attack on Israeli police is turned into a headline which clearly states that someone was killed as a result of the demolition.

The demolition in question was that of the house of Hussam Dwayat who killed 3 people in a bulldozer attack in Jerusalem in July 2008.

Now, whatever you think about house demolitions, it is clear that the BBC headline writer has seriously skewed the truth. Anyone who is not bothered to read the story will just think it’s another Israeli atrocity story.

I have complained to the BBC. I await their response.

Hazel Blears’ brave stand against the MCB

Hazel Blears, the Secretary of State for Communities in the UK government, may be a diminutive figure but she is punching above her weight in a confrontation with Dr Daud Abdullah, leader of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)

Abdullah recently attended the “global anti-aggression conference” in Istanbul. Like many such conferences, its main purpose was to bash the Coalition, Israel and Jews generally.

The conference issued a declaration which Abdullah signed up to. Blears objected to this because she claimed that the declaration “calls for violence against troops and Jewish communities”  See Guardian coverage of this here. Abdullah replied that this was “an extraordinary and malicious interpretation”. He then went on to rebut the allegations in the Guardian here.

Blears broke off relations between the UK government and the MCB as a result. Now they are threatening to sue her for libel.

Leaders of the MCB have often been ambiguous about Islamist violence at home and abroad and have steadfastly refused to attend the nation’s Holocaust Remembrance Day because they believe focusing on the Jewish Holocaust ignores the “Holocaust in Palestine.”

So what did the Istanbul text actually say? See a transcript here.

It is clearly a document which supports Hamas who are described with the blanket term “mujahidin” thus characterising them purely as jihadis acting against the “Zionist entity’s” occupation. 

It calls the Saudi peace plan a betrayal. It calls for ALL Palestine to be liberated and thus is calling for the destruction of Israel. It is not very pleased with Fatah or Egypt who it sees as traitors.

Now let’s look at point 7.

7. The obligation of the Islamic Nation to regard everyone standing with the Zionist entity, whether countries, institutions or individuals, as providing a substantial contribution to the crimes and brutality of this entity; the position towards him is the same as towards this usurping entity.

As it has already called for armed resistance to the Zionist entity it states that its position towards anyone or any government or institution should be the same. Now although the language (in translation) is not exactly explicit it does not take much to work out that this means that violence and armed resistance to countries such as the USA and the UK and towards Jewish institutions (who support the Zionist entity) anywhere in the world is justified. Otherwise what DOES it mean and why make the statement.

Point 8:

8. The obligation of the Islamic Nation to regard the sending of foreign warships into Muslim waters, claiming to control the borders and prevent the smuggling of arms to Gaza, as a declaration of war, a new occupation, sinful aggression, and a clear violation of the sovereignty of the Nation. This must be rejected and fought by all means and ways.

This is more explicit: anyone assisting the blockade is at war with the Ummah and they must be fought “by all means and ways”. All means and ways includes armed resistance and terrorism.

Either Dr Abdullah has not read it or has not understood it or he has signed something he actually disagrees with or, more likely, he is a hypocrite saying one thing to the UK government whilst he subscribes to something else. Whatever his denial and whatever interpretation he wishes to place on the text, it is clear what the text actually means.

It’s about time the MCB stopped associating itself with extremist views. It cannot condemn 7/7 on one hand and be a signatory to the Istanbul declaration on the other. If it is to fight extremists and extremist views from Muslims in the UK it has no business being involved with extremist views abroad. If Dr Abdullah signs such a document he is risks being seen as a coward, a hypocrite or both.

I fervently hope that the libel case is pursued so that the brave stance Hazel Blears has made will be supported by evidence which is patent.

UN appoints a Jew to investigate Jewish “war crimes”

The UN has appointed Richard Goldstone to lead a four-member team of experts.

The BBC reports today.

But in time-honoured BBC-speak they forget to mention that any such investigation, whatever its legal status, should, and surely would, investigate both Israel AND Hamas.

Oh no. This is what the BBC says:

The fact-finding mission, which will aim to provide clarity on the legality of the deaths and destruction…

Of course, that means death and destruction caused by Israel. The BBC has already decided that Israel were murderous, destructive aggressors.  No mention of Hamas yet.

The council voted to set up the investigation into at a special meeting in January, after widespread allegations of war crimes committed by Israeli forces in Gaza.

Widespread by Hamas and the Hamas-infiltrated UNWRA in Gaza and so far all completely refuted.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas is widely accused of basing its forces within heavily populated areas, allegations it denies.

Hah! What a lot of utter garbage. Hamas ONLY fought within heavily populated areas. Hamas is a terrorist organisation. No mention of that.

[Goldstone] is also on the board of governors at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Mr Goldstone said he was “shocked, as a Jew”, to be invited to head the mission.

 BBC-speak to imply that he is shocked that his fellow Jews are war criminals.

“I’ve taken a deep interest in what happens in Israel. I’m associated with organisations that have worked in Israel.

“And I believe I can approach the daunting task that I have accepted in an even-handed and impartial manner.”

 So the able Mr Goldstone falls straight into the trap set by the UN. As a Jew, if his little group concludes there were war crimes, then his findings will carry more weight because he is a Jew. If they find Israel did not commit war crimes he will be pilloried by the usual suspects as being biased because he is a Jew. It’s the same trick the Nazis used when they appointed Jewish police officers in the ghettos. And Goldstone fell for it. Or, maybe, he thought that if he didn’t accept, than someone less neutral would lead the investigations. Precisely the dilemma he was tricked into.

Am I being paranoid. You bet I am. Will Israel co-operate? Should it? 

“This committee is instructed not to seek out the truth but to single out Israel for alleged crimes,” said Yigal Palmor, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

So he’s made up his mind.

Child axe murder was a “natural reaction”

Hamas believe that splitting the skulls of teenage boys is understandable.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

This attack was committed in the framework of the resistance,” Ayman Taha, a spokesperson for the group said. “This is a reaction to the continuing occupation and the continued building of settlements.”

“This is a natural reaction,” he said, “especially against the backdrop of Israeli attacks. We are a people occupied, and it is our right to defend ourselves and to act in every way and with every means at our disposal in order to defend ourselves.”

Thus any act, however depraved, is justifiable. This is the rhetoric of an organisation supported by millions across the world. An organisation as murderous as it is immoral.

Let’s not forget they also attacked a seven year old. And let us not forget that this boy’s father is serving a prison sentence as a terrorist for plotting to blow up a Palestinian school. A plot that was thwarted by the Israeli police.

Now just reverse the roles. Do you see any Palestinian terrorists in prison in Palestine? Did the Palestinian police ever thwart a terrorist attack on Israel, or do they just aid and abet?

Headline at the BBC website: “Israeli boy killed on West Bank”. Note “killed” not “murdered”. And try to find that story today – it suddenly disappeared and has been replaced by “Livni condemns new Israeli leaders” and the Lieberman arrest.

“Israel must agree to its own destruction” – Arab League

The Arab League meeting in Qatar has come up with an ultimatum for Israel. No negotiations, just a restatement of how it believes Israel should agree to its own destruction. If Israel does not agree to its own destruction the generous offer will be withdrawn. This ultimatum is based on the 2002 Saudi “peace initiative”.

1. Israel withdraw to 1967 borders.

No mention of security – just a unilateral withdrawal from the Golan, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

2. Israel agrees to accept back “war refugees”.

So let’s see, the Arabs will decide who is a war refugee going back to 1948 and presumably all their descendants. Of course this would mean the influx of about 2 million Palestinians. Where would they go? Why would they want to be residents of Israel? The answer is simple: destroy Israel demographically. Apart from the crippling effect on the Israeli economy, apart from the obvious dangers to Jewish Israelis of allowing in 2 million people, many of whom are sworn to destroy them, apart from the fact they will be able to establish a political bloc that will quickly destroy the Jewish majority and therefore the very basis of a Jewish state and Zionism itself.

But this is what they want to do, of course, and this is what much of the world wants to see. State Number 1: Israel, a democracy where Jews and Muslims and Christians etc. can live together in peace and harmony until the Muslims become the majority.  State Number 2: a Judenrein Palestinian Muslim state with a Christian minority under siege and where Jews will not be welcome or choose to live at their peril.

This will lead to State Number 3: a confederation of States 1 and 2 called Palestine where Jews will be a minority, their property confiscated, the democratic government overthrown, Jews banned from public office, Jews driven into the sea, Jews murdered etc. etc. End of the Zionist dream.

Meanwhile Israel today is called ‘”apartheid” and “racist” but the PA and a future Palestinian state will not be? After all the Jews will have deserved everything they get for their 100+ year struggle to defend themselves and find a few thousand square kilometres of land where they can exercise self-determination in their ancestral homeland.

No one will cry for the Israeli Jews as their remnants make their way to America and Europe where they will face a growing Islamist threat and once again become a persecuted minority in the lands of their great grandparents or swell the former “Israel lobby” which will now be honestly called the “Jewish lobby”.

3. Israeli acceptance of a Palestinian Arab state on the West Bank and Gaza with Jerusalem as its capital.

This, at least, is approaching reasonable, but to make any part of Jerusalem Judenrein, as no doubt would happen, is not negotiable. When in history has a single, small city been the capital of two countries? See points 1 and 2 above. All part of the Palestinian master plan to deligitimize Israel and the centrality of Jerusalem as the capital of a Jewish state.

If Israel agrees to all three points of the ultimatum the Arab states would begin a peace agreement with Israel and “consider the Arab-Israeli” conflict ended. Well they might do. Israel would effectively be destroyed. And what of the jihadis and wahabis, the terrorists and the Islamists who will pour across Israel’s borders to wreak havoc on its cities? Would Palestine guarantee Israel’s safety? Would thay stop Hamas? Hezbollah? Islamic Jihad? Al Qaeda? Iran? and every other genocidal nut from finishing the job of eviscerating Israel.

So thank you Arab League. What a wonderful plan for peace and security. Peace and security for everyone except Israelis, that is.

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